Jan 17, 2022Liked by Jadrian Wooten

Another good post Jadrian! My aunt lived in NYC and would regale us with stories of standing on her balcony to bang pots and pans in a sign of solidarity with essential workers. We asked her when this sign of recognition stopped, and she couldn't really put her finger on it. Perhaps it was due to a change in the weather, standing on a balcony in sub freezing temps is not an attractive proposition.

I think you miss the economic benefits of the "be nice" message. It is in my self interest to be nice to workers. Transactions are simply more pleasurable if I am nice and the workers are nice in return, so it increases my utility. Those who treat servers, airline attendants, and grocery store clerks poorly are not only acting reprehensibly, they are also acting contrary to their self interest, which I think it is safe to say makes them irrational.

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