Automation, or the use of technology to perform tasks that were previously performed by humans, has been a topic of significant interest in economics due to its potential impact on labor demand.
Another great post!
I truly appreciate you support over all these years! That's from the heart, and not from ChatGPT.
Would we be able to tell?
Sounds reassuring, but ChatGPT already took away my job as a copywriter and editor lol
This has been a hot topic on our campus as of late, thanks for the timely post!!!
Another great post!
I truly appreciate you support over all these years! That's from the heart, and not from ChatGPT.
Would we be able to tell?
Sounds reassuring, but ChatGPT already took away my job as a copywriter and editor lol
This has been a hot topic on our campus as of late, thanks for the timely post!!!