Tuesday's Assorted Links
Wealth Festival, Trade Laws, Adderall Shortage, Digital Dollars, and Space Economics
Hi, y’all! Here are 5 stories from the past week that I thought were really interesting!
Inspired by Coachella and South by Southwest, a typical finance conference has been converted into a “wealth festival” [Los Angeles Times]
Fed up with high gas prices and slow Amazon deliveries? Blame these 2 century-old laws that need to be repealed [Business Insider]
Adderall runs low at CVS and Walgreens as demand soars [Bloomberg]
The Treasury Department recommends exploring the creation of a digital dollar [AP News]
The future of asteroid mining and the global economy [Harvard International Review]
Yesterday I wrote about how the government determines which costs count toward the total cost of hurricanes and other natural disasters:
Week 37 is over and I’m up to 39 books for the year. Last week I finished a book that looks at the political and economic conditions of chocolate production. I got the book a few years ago when I considered creating a new course on the economics of indulgences, but I didn’t get around to reading it until this year. I largely didn’t enjoy it because it seemed largely repetitive and fairly outdated.
I did start Beto O’Rourke’s new book, We've Got to Try. It summarizes a variety of stories from Texas towns over the past 100+ years that focus on improving voting rights. While I would love to hear about stories from across the US, my Texas ties still keep me invested in the book so far.